Sunday, 16 August 2009

New kits release from Mel!

Hi all Mel from Scrap That IDea has released two Kits today and they are fabulous! The first is called Space race and as you can imagine its out of this world! It has 12 papers, 30 elements and a full alpha.Heres the preview!

Look at those fabulous Colours ! And the elements are fabulous Loving the Alien! Hes real cute! Here are My Los which I have created with Mels Kit
I think hes the cutest alien in the Galaxy! And heres another!
Its a fab Versitile kit and Space race is availble for the next 48 hours for only $3!

Here is the second Kit! Your FurBabies are cute and cuddle arnt they? So you want a cute kit to show them off! it had doodles little cute dogs and cats ! it is a kit of 12 papers, 30 elements and a furry full alpha called FurBabies ! Heres the preview !
How cute are those Kitties! Love this super fab Kit! Here are My LOs

Aww Both My cats, Dali and WIllow! As you can see its a fantastic kit! And available at the moment for only $3 For only 48 Hours ! So Grab Furbabies Now !

Friday, 14 August 2009

Starry Night Released today!

Charlie has been working on her new release A Starry Night ! Its a beautifully rich kit and the colours of the papers are so Deep and delicious! A kit with 13 papers
an alpha and 34 elements: Including frames, Glittered stars! And A real Cloud! Its fabulous Heres the preview! Its a gorgeous Kit And is very versatile And its on Offer with 30 % of now at Digiscrap Obsession Heres My Lo made with this fab Kit! This is my Little boy with his dad He always says good night to the moon and Stars! I love the cloud! Its a fantastic kit! Hop over to the Gallery @ DSO and check the Los out!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Sugar and Spice and all things Nice!!!! New kit

HI, Mel Over at Scrap Tha Idea Has a Fantastic New Kit on offer its called
Sugar and Spice and Its VERY Nice !
Its a real Girly Kit, and as You know I have no Girls! So what else could I do with with a fab Pink kit with glitter and Sparkles! Well shoes of Course every girl Has Shoes! And these are My Ugly shoes! I resisted buying these, the children have them for the beach and they told me they were very comfy so I bought some! They are so Comfy I Love them!

But very Ugly too!

Mel Has also Got 10 Kits on offer for you at
$1 per kit ! So hop over to Scrap That Idea and Grab a bargain this weekend!

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Charlies New Commercial Use Items and a freebie!

Charlie has joined the Crew over at DigiScrap Obsession Its a fantastic community, with a fab Shop, Gallery and Forums with lots of challenges and Freebies!

As I said Charlie has fab New Commercial Use GRAB BAG is On Offer for You!

The GRAB BAG is Jammed packed full of High Quality Commercial Use designer resources.5 full sized never before released Products(40 items in total). A bargain at less than $1 per full product!

Don't Miss Out!!! This GRAB BAGis available for only $5 for 1 week!

If you sign up for Charlies Newsletter you will get updates on new releases and Freebies ! Hop to her blog! Charlies Digiscraps

Heres a little Heart Frame I made from the fabulous Red, red roses they are so Beautiful. Link Removed
If you Check Charlies Blog you will find More Goodies which the CT has made using Charlies Grab Bag! Check it out here Charlies Digiscraps