Mel Sells her kits exclusively now in
Scrap That Idea Today to celebrate NSD there is 50% off.

I have picked a few of my favourites to show to you! Tea in My garden!

And here is a peek aboo LO!

Love this kit and the elements are just fabulous for stretching your imagination!
Summer Melon, the colours in this kit are so beautiful for those happy bright Summer shots, and you little ray of sunshine.

And here is my Little Ray of Sunshine!

And this is great kit for Boys!

Look at how those little Elements are! These kits and Many More are now on sale at
50% Off!!! Great For NSD!!! Go and have a Look in
Mels Store at all these fab kits!

Mel has designed two brand new kits and has released them They are fabulous!The first one is Suede and is extremely versatile

Look at all those beautiful elements!

Look at this LO of my Beautiful Grandma when she was just 16!
The other new kit is just as fabulous and is called Bath time, well I guess you can tell what its about!

And here is a LO i made from Mels fabulous Kit!

Isn't it a fabulous Kit! These 2 new kits are not in the sale but great credit crunching value only $4. Hope you have lots of Fun!!!!